Eclipse Into Beltane Collection

Come See What I’ve Been Up to this Moon Cycle as a New Moon and Solar Eclipse is Upon Us!

Mark this special time of year with a crystal pendant. When you’re not wearing your piece, use it as a talisman, include it in a crystal grid, or perform an intention setting ritual with it- the possibilities are limitless and crystals want to support and accompany us through out this season and beyond. 🌬️✨ Eclipse Into Beltane Collection #HandmadeCrystalJewelry #EclipseCollection #BeltaneCelebration #SpringMagic #bohoBahia #emotionalsupport

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Full Moon ♍️

The Priestess Full Moon in Virgo will occur precisely on February 24th at 4:30 am PST/ 7:30 am EST.

During this Full Moon in Virgo, you have the opportunity to align with the inner Priestess as Virgo symbolizes the Divine Feminine and the concept of purity. Embracing this Full Moon, we are once again reminded to bring forth our personal sovereignty and shine a light on it.

One way to charge and cleanse your crystals and jewels is by placing them in the middle of a crystal grid you create.

Create a Crystal Grid

As you honor each Full Moon perhaps you’ll begin to live life in a more cyclical, balanced nature.

Shop Our Crystal Grid
Sacred Lemurian Seed Crystals for Crystal Meditation and Moon Rituals

Journal Intentions for the New Moon Cycle

Part of the message in this New Moon in Aquarius is to know your truth, stand in it, and don’t let outside influences like friends, family, or peers dull your sparkle. Be brave in receiving your soul purpose from the Divine and expressing your true self.

Maybe ask yourself this New Moon, where am I shrinking? Where am I not showing up authentically? Set Goals and Determine Your Shadow Work

Have a vision for the future? Try identifying the steps needed to bring that bliss into your life, and think about how you want to feel on the journey getting there. By writing down your intentions, you will be pinpointing practices, behaviors, and attitudes that will support the realization of your vision. Try writing statements that begin with “I invite…I am…I honor…I will…I connect with…I will maintain…”

Select a crystal to have by your side while you journal. You will infuse it with this new energy and it will be a physical reminder throughout this cycle that not only your crystal, but the universe wants to support you in your healing journey and soul path.