New Moon Ritual

The New Moon in Gemini! I am observing this new moon with some rituals you can incorporate into your life. The moon calendar is cyclical and forgiving, if you’d rather do one of these on the full moon- that’s cool too.

New Moon Mandala

The absolute aspect of creativity is- it is not art nor does it need to be shown to anyone. This is time, an outlet, a gift from the Divine (Source, Universe, Higher Power, G-d…) for your soul to flow and for you to express yourself. It is not like proper art but rather creativity is something we all do while experiencing life as a being here on planet Earth.

Create a mandala and let your creativity flow.

Creating a piece of art like a Mandala is a nice ritual that let’s your heart and subconscious flow without being ruled entirely from your mind. As you can see, the finished Mandala is not a beautiful work of art, but the process of creating this was a peaceful detachment from ego, a meditation, a flow, a way to focus my energy and shift out of my mind and into my heart.

Crystal Grid

Another New Moon Ritual idea is creating a crystal grid with stones you plan on working with this new cycle.

Smoky quartz crystal grid.

By placing your crystals in a cozy spot where the moonlight usually filters in on nights of the Full Moon, you are cleansing them. Placing your crystals out overnight will help clear them of old, negative, and / or stagnant energy.

Grow your crystal collection with these crystals, hand selected for their quality, lineage, and vibration.

Salt Soak

Himalayan Sea Salt, Dead Sea Mineral Sea Salt, Epson Salt Bath Soak

Self reflection and thoughts of what you want to bring into your orbit during this new cycle from this New Moon to the next one may flow to you easily if you are in a warm salt bath. Maybe light a candle or add oils… create space to get a download, new ideas, or intentions.

If your more of a shower person, think about applying a hair mask every New Moon or something else that honors your sign, the season, your body or your emotions.

Seeds of Intention

Part of the message in this New Moon in Aquarius is to know your truth, stand in it, and don’t let outside influences like friends, family, or peers dull your sparkle. Be brave in receiving your soul purpose from the Divine and expressing your true self.

Maybe ask yourself this New Moon, where am I shrinking? Where am I not showing up authentically?

Set Goals and Determine Your Shadow Work

Have a vision for the future? Try identifying the steps needed to bring that bliss into your life, and think about how you want to feel on the journey getting there. By writing down your intentions, you will be pinpointing practices, behaviors, and attitudes that will support the realization of your vision. Try writing statements that begin with “I invite…I am…I honor…I will…I connect with…I will maintain…”

Plant What You Are Calling Into Your Life

Moon Is My Calendar

Cleansing / Charging Plate

Depending on the moon phase or your intuition, you can use a selenite crystal plate to cleanse or charge the energy of your stones and crystal jewelry.

We offer etched crystal plates in two shapes, a hexagon with the sacred geometry Metatron’s Cube and a rectangle with the chakra symbols.

Moon Ritual Plate for Necklaces + Specimens
Moon Ritual Plate for Jewelry + Crystals

I trust you do aspects of these already and you have gotten an idea of a ritual you can start doing every cycle. Make it your own, add colors, flavors, singing, mantras, affirmations, offerings, reiki, drums, dancing, divinity, community, whatever- let your rituals evolve and grow.

For more information about me or my shop, visit Boho Bahia. Let’s also connect on social media, I’ll remind you when to set your crystals out on nights of the new and full moons.

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